Tag Archives: ESO

ESOz2020 Conference

Between 17 and 21 February 2020 I participated in the international conference “2ND AUSTRALIA-ESO JOINT CONFERENCE: The build-up of galaxies through multiple tracers and facilities” ESOz2020, hosted by ICRAR at University of Western Australia in Perth.


As usual I got my notes using tweets. Well, here you have the links to the compilation of those tweets for each of the days.



My talk was on Tuesday afternoon, in case you’re interested.


From here I want to congratulate the LOC of this conference as it was very well organised and they did a great job. I particularly want to thank Claudia Lagos (ICRAR-UWA) for her hard work on this as chair of both the SOC and the LOC.


Historic ESO-Australia agreement

This is BIG. Australian astronomers have tried for almost 2 decades to be part of the European Southern Observatory (ESO). Yesterday, 11th July 2017, at a ceremony happening during the Annual Meeting of the Astronomical Society of Australia (ASA) in Canberra, Australia, ESO’s Director General, Tim de Zeeuw, and the Australian Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, Arthur Sinodinos, signed a 10 years Strategic Partnership between Australia and ESO.

Image composition showing all the ESO observatories and the Headquarters. Credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser.

Following the ESO-Australia Strategic Agreement, Australian astronomers (including me!) will have access to telescope time at La Silla and Paranal Observatories in Chile. The ESO-Australia Strategic Agreement also provides crucial opportunities for Australian influence and technical and scientific input, stimulating international research and industry collaborations.

This is particularly important for the Australian Astronomical Observatory (AAO), as we are developing key instrumentation for ESO (as the ESOP positioner for the VISTA telescope), and that was a key part of the deal, with new opportunities to develop further telescope instrumentation in the nearby future. That also means an important re-arrangement within the AAO, which details are still unknown, but in which we’ll give our best.

At a ceremony in Canberra, Australia, on 11 July 2017, an arrangement was signed to begin a ten-year strategic partnership between ESO and Australia. The partnership will further strengthen ESO’s programme, both scientifically and technically, and will give Australian astronomers and industry access to the La Silla Paranal Observatory. It may also be the first step towards Australia becoming an ESO Member State.
This picture shows all the signatories of the arrangement. From left to right: Virginia Kilborn, President of the Astronomical Society of Australia, Warrick Couch, Director of the Australian Astronomical Observatory, Sue Weston, Deputy Secretary, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Senator the Hon Arthur Sinodinos, Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, Tim de Zeeuw, ESO Director General, Brian Schmidt, Vice Chancellor of the Australian National University, Laura Comendador, Head of the ESO Cabinet and Patrick Geeraert, ESO Director of Administration. Credit: Australian Government.

The Australian Government will invest $129 million over 10 years in the partnership, including the $26.1 million already announced for 2017-2018 Australian Budget. This may also be the first step towards Australia becoming an ESO Member State.

Exciting times await!

More details: